Sunday, November 11, 2007

Football Injury Hits Home, Pt. 3

My son underwent reconstructive ACL surgery four days ago. Our biggest mistake was not having an MRI done the day after the injury (Oct. 3). As it is now, we lost a month of time he could have been rehabbing.

Live and learn.

"Can You Autograph My Cone, Sir?"

emily_and_her_ice_cream_cone_november_2002.jpgSitting here waiting for the Cowboys/Giants game to begin, I can't help but chuckle at the thought of Joe Montana, who as I type is finishing up an autograph signing session at a small ice cream shop in Armonk, N.Y.

Last Licks shops have been the host to many NYC athlete signings, and even BGS has graded onsite amongst the sticky tables. But I am trying to imagine Montana, winner of four Super Bowls, pausing to reflect on the absurdity of the situation and wondering, "Am I actually sitting in an ice cream shop signing autographs?"