Sunday, November 11, 2007

Football Injury Hits Home, Pt. 3

My son underwent reconstructive ACL surgery four days ago. Our biggest mistake was not having an MRI done the day after the injury (Oct. 3). As it is now, we lost a month of time he could have been rehabbing.

Live and learn.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Peabody,
Hope your son continues to recuperate and get ready for baseball. I too am a huge baseball fan, the father of an 8th grade son, and a proud student and player for the great Coach Regelsky at Bryan Adams High. I graduated in 1981. Thanks for posting the pictures of Coach R. I've also found some great text regarding his career in the mid-50's. He apparently had a 19-game hitting streak at Williston in 1955 while playing shortstop. Hope to see more posts soon!